Gesichtscreme – mit oder ohne Parfum?

Face cream – with or without perfume?

Hand on heart - who doesn't do it? When we buy a new skin care product, the first thing we do is smell it. A pleasant scent can significantly influence our purchasing decision and determine whether we buy the product or not. Fragrances are not only intended to encourage consumers to buy, they also serve to mask any inherent odors in the formulation. But is the scent actually necessary in the face cream?

Why perfume in skin care?

Perfume, fragrance, aroma - the names of fragrances in face creams are varied; pleasant-sounding names and seductive scents are intended to encourage consumers to buy. They are often adapted for aromatherapy and can therefore also have a desired secondary effect on our brain and sensations. This is because scent stimuli reach the amygdala, the "emotional core" of the brain, unfiltered via a direct pathway. Next to this is the hippocampus, where experiences are processed and memories are formed. A scent that reminds us of a positive event or evokes a good feeling encourages the purchase decision and is indispensable from the manufacturer's point of view. But is it the same for your skin?

Natural and synthetic fragrances

It is very difficult to classify what exactly is behind the word "perfume", as it can contain up to 200 different substances. The composition of the individual ingredients in cosmetic products is therefore unfortunately completely unclear and difficult for the consumer to understand. In total, there are 3000 fragrances used in cosmetics . Of these 3000 , 26 have been labelled due to their high allergy potential . However, this does not rule out the possibility that the remaining 2974 fragrances are completely harmless.

Regardless of whether they are natural or synthetic fragrances, what smells good doesn't necessarily have to be good for your skin. In fact, many fragrances, even those of natural origin such as essential oils, can trigger allergies in many people. Some substances even contain substances that are so harmful that they not only trigger allergies, but can also interfere with our hormone balance. After nickel, fragrances are the second most common triggers of contact allergies.

Possible Effects of Perfume in Face Creams

Your skin doesn't have to react immediately with an allergic reaction, a rash or eczema. It takes a long time to react, often even years, which is why you don't always attribute skin problems to the face cream, since you've been using it for a long time anyway. The problem is that intolerances on the skin can develop very slowly and unnoticeably and it takes a correspondingly long time to get rid of them.

Perfumed face creams can not only cause allergies, intolerances and skin irritations. The combination of fragrances and UV rays can also cause pigment disorders such as pigment spots to appear or be made worse. In contrast, fragrance-free face creams are also an ideal companion after sunbathing. Their calming effect means that the redness caused by the sun can be quickly and easily controlled without further irritating the skin.

What should you look for when choosing a face cream?

We recommend a mild, non-irritating skin care product without perfume. Does it smell unusual at first? Many skin care manufacturers do not add perfume to their face creams and leave the natural scent of the product. Our noses, spoiled by fragrances, have to get used to this - but our skin will love it straight away. After all, it needs good ingredients, and the way the cream smells has no influence on its effect. Fragrances do not benefit your skin's health, so you can happily do without them for the sake of it.

Pay attention to the small print and take the time to read the INCIS (cosmetic ingredients) on the packaging. The terms “hypoallergenic” or “fragrance-free” do not guarantee that no allergy-causing ingredients have been used. “Hypoallergenic” simply means that a product is not very allergenic. And “fragrance-free” means not really free of perfume, just that the allergenic ingredient is not a fragrance in this combination. It can still be contained in the product, but is not listed as a perfume due to another function. So take your time when buying your new face cream and look closely - your skin will thank you!

Conclusion: For face cream to be effective, you don't need perfume in your skin care routine. To avoid skin irritation, we recommend a face cream without perfume. A close look at the ingredients on the back of the packaging will tell you whether fragrances are included. And otherwise: just smell the face cream - if you don't smell any perfume, that's a good sign.

cosmetics with or without perfume

Fineskin Munich skin care products have a light fragrance in addition to their own odor. The only natural fragrance used is an extremely small amount of the high-quality distillate from the flowers of the Damask rose. It has an antibacterial, antioxidant, skin-protecting and sebum-regulating effect and therefore not only gives an extremely fine fragrance, but also has valuable benefits that enrich the Fineskin Munich products. The natural fragrance is indicated in the INCIS on the outer packaging.
